Monday, 9 August 2010

Free Drawings #8 is out now!

With the release of its eighth ish, it would seem Jesjit Gill is taking his Free Drawings series of crazy, drippy newsprint comics out behind the barn and shooting it in the head. And that is very sad, for this was perhaps the greatest free collection of its kind that Toronto has ever seen.

If it must be the end, at least it promises to be a glorious one. #8 includes the work of the following sick minds: Seth Scriver, Adam Buttrick, Chris Kline, Owen Plummer, Matt King, Luke Ramsey, Mark Connery, Peter Kalyniuk, Fiona Smyth, Marc Bell, Peter Thompson, Stephen Appleby Barr, Hugh Langis, Manfred Naescher, Morgan Criger, Nadina Tandy, Amy Bowles, Tad Michalak, Laura Mccoy, Keith Herzik, Jacob Whibley, Adrienne Kammerer, Lane Milburn, Zoe Barcza, Bill Mcwright, Steph Davidson, Alex Mackenzie, Tomas Del Balso, Victor Kerlow, Vanessa Rieger, Juliana Eye, Dave Weir, Leon Sadler, Marco Landini, Ginette Lapalme, Michael Comeau, Pete Dako, and Michael Deforge.

Jesjit is celebrating the release with an August 27th show at Double Double Land, featuring projections by Philippe Blanchard, Adrienne Kammerer and Michael Comeau spinning the wax fantastic, Ghostlight melting your brain, and No No Zero quickening your sex pulse. Admission is $3.

1 comment:

D{ said...

Lookin' forward to it!